Why Finland

Finland is known for design, engineering skills and the quality made in Finland – it is the high tech leader in the North and home for biggest data centers in the world. By selecting Finland as the location for data center and cloud services you can trust that everything works here and you can feel that people are committed to your target and design is world class.

Read: Google announced €1 billion expansion of Hamina Data Center and new heat recovery project


Finland is known for design, engineering skills and the quality made in Finland

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Finland is known for design, engineering skills and the quality made in Finland. Finns are an engineering nation.

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Energy costs

Ready design options for the most environmentally friendly, sustainable and cost-efficient data centers

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5G network and fibre networks

Finland has been one of the first European countries to award operating licences for the 3.5 gigahertz frequency band.

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Cyber Security

Finland is known for many fundamental cyber security technologies essential to cyber and information security.

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Cloud Infrastructure

Cloud infrastructure refers to the hardware and software components that support the computing requirements of a cloud computing model.

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A colocation center is a type of data centre where equipment, space, and bandwidth are available for rental to retail customers.

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