Climate Neutral Data Center
Data center operators and trade associations are committed to European green trade, to achieving ambitious greenhouse gas emissions targets. These goals will be achieved through the use of technology and digitalization. Europe will be climate neutral by 2050 and data centers will be climate neutral by 2030.
Finnish data centers are also at the forefront of integrating renewable energy sources into their operations. Many facilities are powered by wind, hydro, and biomass energy, significantly reducing their carbon footprint. This shift towards renewable energy aligns with Finland’s national goals of achieving carbon neutrality by 2035.
Energy efficiency targets
European data centers must meet high energy efficiency standards, as evidenced by aggressive energy efficiency targets (PUEs).
By January 1, 2025 new data centres operating at full capacity in cool climates will meet an annual PUE target of 1.3, and 1.4 for new data centres operating at full capacity in warm climates.
Finnish data centers are also at the forefront of integrating renewable energy sources into their operations. Many facilities are powered by wind, hydro, and biomass energy, significantly reducing their carbon footprint. This shift towards renewable energy aligns with Finland’s national goals of achieving carbon neutrality by 2035.
Implications for the data center industry
The voluntary engagements of the Climate Neutral Datacenter Pact has following goals:
- power efficiency
- carbon free power
- water efficiency
- recycling and reuse of heat produced by datacenters.
For more details on the new Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact, please visit

Data centers will be climate neutral by 2030.